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Live. Love. Laugh. – No Cliché

As humans, we are pulled towards quotes and ‘words of wisdom’. In short, it must pack a punch. It can be anything if it has meaning and provides insight into our current emotional rollercoaster.

The interesting thing is that the moment we put words to paper it takes on a life of their own. What you get from it is not necessarily what it means. Chris Cornell once said that a song released into the world becomes your song when you listen to it. And throughout generations, its meaning will change. While a song or poem might have an author, they are not in control of how it evolves.

It’s fascinating to think words can become whatever you need them to be in that moment. This might also be why so many have clung to certain quotes and phrases over the years. One of which is the ever so famous Live. Love. Laugh.

You know the one. You’ve said it or heard it at least a few times in your life. And before you roll your eyes hold on. I’ve got a point, I promise.

You know the rollercoaster of life. Those unexpected difficulties. And how the focus seems on grasping hold of the sunshine trying to escape the shadows. At least at this current time, it’s a primary focus all around us.

It’s in moments where the shadows stay one step ahead of where quotes like ‘Live, Love, Laugh’ seem to empower. A reminder to keep looking towards the sun even with the darkness circling you.

There’s this idea that we must endure x, y, and z before we deserve any sort of celebration. But really, you don’t need a reason or excuse to celebrate. Life itself is a reason to celebrate.

Forget this notion that life is always meant to be serious, and that you must always be serious. Or celebrations only being acceptable if they are scheduled instead of spontaneous.

‘I have not seen a serious tree. I have not seen a serious bird. I have not seen a serious sunrise. I have not seen a serious starry night. It seems they are all laughing in their own ways, dancing in their own ways.’


The universe is filled with subtle reminders to live, love, and laugh. To enjoy this life wholeheartedly. To live in the moment. To break the barricades and love without borders. And to kick back and unleash those deep belly waves of laughter when they come calling.

Life itself is a celebration of existence, unity, and of beauty in the unexplainable mysteries that mesmerize us daily.

And even when shadows surround you, change the tone. You set the stage. Let your vibe flow from your heart, instead of allowing it to be influenced by your environment.

Don’t be afraid to get excited about trivial things, the important things, and even the minute in between things. Forget the cringe of ‘oh, it’s so cliché.’ You go out there and you Live, Love and Laugh.

Dance Baby. The word is your dance floor.

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