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The Crux of a Compliment

We live in a world where we celebrate love and light, and violence and hatred are no longer tolerated.

Instead of singing ‘What a wonderful world’ around a campfire, there are plenty of opposing teams.

A battle of opinions and thoughts if you will.

One thing that surprises me is that despite the call to love harder and be kinder there is so much prejudice and judgment.

A simple compliment quickly dissected and turned into something it’s not. Suggestive comments follow.

And you almost wish you never opened your mouth.

This weekend I went to an amazing street festival. I mean what’s not to like about amazing live local acts, being surrounded by like-minded people, and bouncing to the beat.

I always joke about having an alter-ego. One that only comes out during festivals of events that set fire to my soul. Normally music of any kind is included.

This altered ego is a lover not just of life but of all people. She throws around compliments like free candy. In an alternate universe, she’d probably be Oprah screaming ‘You get a compliment, you get a compliment, everybody gets a compliment!’

Maybe that’s a bit dramatic but you get the picture. She makes it a point to say what’s on her mind, especially the good things.

Part of cultivating a good life is giving compliments to others. Not just thinking them.

Becky Higgins

And despite this whole movement of women supporting women, boosting them and all that. The recipients were well… at a loss of words. They would smile or say thank you shyly. But the men, oh the men, how they’d roast me.

Quickly informing me that these women are not interested in women. They are very straight. For my people-loving brain, it took a few minutes to register that they are implying my compliments are a come-on. Instead of seeing it for what it is, an honest compliment whether it’s on someone’s outfit, smile, or overall radiance.

It gave me something to consider. But my alter ego won’t stop. I enjoy telling people they are beautiful when I see their beauty. Whether it’s physical beauty or a glimpse of their soul shining through their eyes.

Next time I’ll just have a banner on my back saying, ‘It’s a compliment, not a come-on’. Because for the love of all things can we stop trying to categorize people right from the get-go and instead just love, live, and let live.

If I ever tell you, you, your smile, your presence, or anything regarding your being is beautiful. Believe it. It’s not false flattery or a random person trying to get into your pants. It’s the rare practice of telling a person what you see in them.

We’re so quick to point out the ugly in others. It’s almost become a sport. Something that is normal. Can we make it normal to point out the good, the beautiful, and the spectacular of another without making it something it’s not?

Let’s be better humans. Loving humans that spread love and joy instead of taking it away like it’s our new favorite toy.

If you see something beautiful in another, make it a point to tell them. It costs you nothing, and the impact is unimaginable.

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