Love & Life · Selfcare

Love Letter to the Broken Heart

Hey you,

It’s been a while since I’ve paid attention to you. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever really focused more than 5 minutes on you. I’m sorry.

I can see you’re worn out. I know I’m partly responsible for the waves crashing in your eyes. It has always been them before you. And to some regard it always will be. You can’t help it; it’s ingrained into your system. But I solemnly vow that from this day forth I’ll never make you feel less than ever again.

I won’t judge you for what you listen to, what you eat, what you choose to wear. I won’t lend my ears out to anything that will bring you breakdowns and despair. I’ve put you through so much worrying about what others think, instead of celebrating all the weird and wonderful you have to offer.

You know lately I’ve been thinking about you. And I realized that you are actually quite marvelous. You’re like a little box of mysteries always surprising me with something delightful and new. And it makes me wonder why I’ve hidden you.

You deserve to be seen, you deserve to be heard, you deserve to be let out of your cage.

Since you hit the ground a couple of months ago, I’ve been struggling to get through to you. I can’t pick you up, your light is dim and there’s very little I can do. I’m sorry, I put you through so much, never giving you the time to fully recover.

I just want to tell you it’s okay, I’m here for you. You can scream, cry and let it all out whenever you want to. Take it at your own pace. We’re healing now. I’ve got you. And I’m never letting you go, or pushing your needs aside again. This suffocated heart will heal and inhale happiness again.

Take your time dear heart, we’ll do it together. One day at a time. Whether it’s curled up crying in bed. Turning the kitchen into a glorious mess, or exploring the city in search of new wonders. And with each new adventure, friend and discovery of self we’ll heal a little more.

Until one day we wake up no longer feeling that sense of being unable to breathe. I got you. You’ve got time. And you my darling have been placed in the shadows for too long. When you’re ready I’m bringing you into the light for all the world to see. With all your flaws and imperfections. You know they are my favourite parts of you.

I love you with every fibre of my being. I am you. You are me. We are in this together. There’s no need to hurry. We’ve got time. Let’s enjoy this discovery and bring colour to all the parts that have been left grey by society’s ideals.

When you’re ready, bring back our shine, our light and essence. More unstoppable and untameable than ever before.

Love you. Me x

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